Sunday, April 6, 2008

here are my Panoramic shots from the Peace Jam Trip. SOON TO BE EDITED UP!

Yeah. These are the awesome Panoramas I took with my new camera.
They won't let me load them up on facebook, the aspect ratio is to big. Which sucks.
I'll be editing them up to look better very soon.

My Room

First Panorama. I really like the way the light works in this one. It's really low mood lighting.
I feel like I'm watching Garden State and it's right after he wakes up.
I keep expecting to see a guy in a full suit of armor walk around the corner.
I also like having my knee in the shot.

Breakfast Table

A cool one. But #2 is a bit cooler because it rotates a bit more.

Breakfast Table 2

Except for the whole, Becca's head is missing and her brains have fallen out.
This one is cooler.
It rotates more and the perspective is farther back.
I like it.
Seeing Rob's face from the side makes it seem like you're sitting right next to him and seeing almost what he is seeing.
Over the Shoulder shot anyone?

Rob Films While the World Watches On

yeah. I need to edit this one.
But once I cut out the right side sliver mess up.
It's actually a pretty cool shot.
Because it's just a BIT wider. And it makes it a bit unexpected.
I think.

Vertical Rob

This is hard to see.
Click on it to see it correctly.
Don't click on it.
Just go here
That will show you the correct viewing format.
So none of you start turning your computers and killing yourselves with falling monitors.

Crowd of Peace

This one is just cool because it took a hell of a lot of work to get the shots right.
Because the way this works is.
You take the first picture((This is when going left to right. If going right to left. It's just reversed))
and then it has you take the NEXT picture and it gives you a sliver of the far right side of the first picture. You line it up. Then repeat.
Only 3 pictures though.
I want to do a 360 shot on my own.
So when everyone is moving around, it takes a LOT of work to line it up so the stitching the camera does wont erase half of a person. But this one worked well.


Not a bad one. But simple/kindaboring.


Here come my Favorites.
Tom and Rob and I thought it would be SOOO sweet to see a duplication.
So we tried it. and lo and behold.
It's fucking awesome.

Where's Tom n' Rob?

Probably the coolest duplication we got to before my camera died.
We had one planned for coming down the stairs. Trying to get it to look like they were on each other's shoulders without really being on them.
It was going to be amazing.
But my camera died.
Try and find both Tom and Rob 3 times each.
for a bigger picture. go here.

See the Power. See the Emotion

This one needs a bit of editing.
I like the left side, and I like the right side.
But not together.
Just the left side is really intense because Tom overlaps Rob and I think Rob was in the first shot, not the second.
It also looks like Tom is The Flash.
And at the top of the stairs. The caption is... "The Flash just Teabagged you!"

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Well. Here is what 3 Liters a Day is...

Basically, I'm a high school student who, when the thought strikes him, draws comics.
You're probably thinking. Oh no, another XKCD thing.
It's true.
It kinda is.
But hey, I like the media.
and I'm going to keep drawing.
I'm developing my style, and working with it.
Who knows.